More Than Protection: How A Well-Trained Protection Dog Can Become A Family Pet & Best Friend

There are many reasons to want a protection dog – personal protection, protection of property, or simply knowing when a visitor is at the door. But what about when you’re not experiencing a threat? What happens to your protection dog on a regular day? 

Sadly, canines as protectors get placed in an awful light sometimes, when in actuality, the characteristics that make them furious defenders are also the ones that make them wonderful pets. We’ll show you how you can get a lovable pet for the family, and a protector, all in one.

The best protection canines are attentive, courageous, and recognize when to ward off a trespasser. Still, that doesn’t mean they live a ferocious day-by-day life. Give them the preparation they need, and they will do all that they can to ensure you’re protected. In any case, dogs cause you to have a sense of security and offer you a long period of adoration and fondness. 

Some canines even perform amazing feats of agility to entertain us. In contrast, others assist people with disabilities, help those who struggle with anxiety and depression, or offer support to children with special needs. 

However, the ones we’re referring to are protection dogs.

These canines have an unparalleled love for their people, and they will do pretty much anything to keep them safe while protecting their homes as well.

Do You Need a Protection Dog?

Protection occurs on several different levels, so breeders and trainers use various terms to describe the variable levels of protection a given dog is expected and willing to provide.

For example, most dogs will bark when someone knocks at the door; but that isn’t enough to ward off an intruder or criminal. On the other hand, protection dogs also keep an eye out for danger, but they’re ready to get physical and defend their home or family from threats. In other words, they will bark as most dogs will, but they will also defend their territory if the situation calls for it. For this reason, they must receive specific training to excel in such roles. At Golden State K9, we pride ourselves in our comprehensive training programs that leave your pet ready to protect! We focus on making sure our dogs leave with safe and healthy boundaries. We offer three levels of training packages to make sure your loved ones will be safe and well protected!

Protection Dogs and Families – Are They Safe to Mix?

No matter what size dog you choose, we promise that our trained protection dogs are safe and loving around your children and families.  

Protection dogs are trained to: 

  • Protect (individuals or families). They’re not police dogs used to attack criminals. Instead, they are loving family dogs and loyal pets that faithfully protect when the situation calls for it.
  • Calm and obedient to commands. The trained dog will bond well with the entire family while protecting their home. 

Qualities to Look for in a Good Family Friendly Protection Dog

Some of the most important qualities a good protection dog possesses include the following:

Intelligence – Good protection dogs must be obedient and respond to the most basic commands, such as sit, lay down, stay, and heel. It also helps them determine what is considered a threat or what is non-significant.  

Loyalty – Your canine should be loyal to your family.

Courage – Your dog must be brave. 

Territorial Instincts – Dogs that strongly identify with their home and are willing to protect it against intruders are better suited for protection work than those who do not mind trespassers.

Warm Nature – All great protection canines are bold despite any threats that come about. Still, they can also be a tail-wiggling heap of face-licking love to their human families. 

Protection Dogs

Our dogs are trained to protect, but they will always be your lovable pet! Our desire is always that your protection dog is a strong member of the family, and never like a liability.

Our needs for security, companionship, and loyalty haven’t changed much since the time of Plato and Aristotle, making dogs a popular choice to protect our loved ones and our property. 

Protection dogs will bark or, in any case, alert their kin to trespassers and will defend against threats when needed. 

Sometimes the best protection dog breeds have an intimidating size and appearance and display intelligence, fearlessness, and loyalty. In contrast, the best owners will begin training when their dog is still a puppy. Here are a few examples of protective dogs that make great family-friendly pets:

  • Belgian Malinois
  • Cane Corso
  • Doberman
  • German Shepherd
  • Akita

The Benefits of a Protection Dog

Protection dogs are still pets and are just as playful and full of affection as any dog. The difference is that they possess certain skills, which can add to you feeling safe and secure. Plus, they like learning. So, the more you train them, the better they are at protecting you and your family and your property.

  • They adapt well to your family life (they can go with your family on vacations, short trips, and errands).
  • Great companions for walking or hiking and great protectors.
  • Can be professionally trained to obey commands.
  • Can be taught to remain calm in the midst of danger.
  • Obey on command (rather than attacking at will).

We Us Help

Personal protection dogs should be completely social and impeccably trained to blend into your family and lifestyle. We understand that this can feel like an overwhelming task to know what do his right for you. That’s why we’re happy to step in.

Our ultimate goal at Golden State K9 is to help families acquire the best personal protection dogs. We are committed to training our dogs not just with personal protection but also advanced obedience training options. All of our trainers have over 30 years of experience with protection or guard dogs. 

We can assure you that they won’t bite nor bark at their owners. We’ve never had an issue or accidents with our dogs. This is because we prioritize your safety over anything else. 

Check our dog training packages or contact us if you have additional questions. We offer nationwide delivery of our protection dogs. 

At Golden State K9, we never compromise your safety. Ever. We ensure that all of our protection dogs are trained well to protect you and your entire family in times of trouble. Check out our available dogs page to find the newest member of your family.

Are Female Protection Dogs Better Than Male Protection Dogs?

(by Stephen Weru)

So, you’ve decided you want a protection dog. However, you’re not sure of the best dog to get.

So much to consider.

  •  What dog breed should you get?
  •  What dog temperament and personality type best suits your lifestyle?
  •  Where do you get the best dog breeds from?

Besides these questions, you also have to consider intelligence, obedience, strength levels, and adaptability… gender… which begs the question:

Are female protection dogs better than male protection dogs?

In this article, we’ll discuss differences between male and female dogs, and help you to figure out which option is best for you and your family.

Let’s get into it.

Anatomical Differences

The most apparent and most noticeable difference between male and female dogs is size. Male dogs stand taller and are heavier than females. If you’re looking for a personal protection dog with an imposing appearance, a male dog will make a better choice.

However, that’s not the only anatomical difference between male and female dogs.

Another difference between male and female dogs is that​ ​females reach maturity faster than males.​ This difference in maturity levels makes female protection dogs easier to train than males of the same age.

The fact that females mature faster than males means that female protection dogs are likely to take up their role earlier than male protection dogs.

Behavioral Differences

Male and female dogs also tend to have specific behavioral differences that may determine their effectiveness as protection dogs.

One of the most prominent differences is that male dogs have higher aggression levels than female dogs. Researchers studying dog aggression levels found that​ ​male dogs are six times more likely to bite​ than female dogs.

Males are also more territorial and are likely to be quicker to act against intruders. Male dogs also have less controllable aggression levels than females.

While males may act aggressively due to territorial instincts, female protection dogs act aggressively due to their maternal instincts, making them naturally protective. Thanks to these maternal instincts, female dogs will have no problem protecting you and your family if threatened. Female protection dogs are also more likely to be affectionate.

However, adult male dogs are calmer and are more trainable… on the other hand, females may be overly aggressive when they have a litter of puppies…

The debate can go on, but ultimately, from the standpoint of aggression levels: female protection dogs tend to handle their aggression better than male protection dogs, especially in highly populated areas.

It’s important to note that​ ​training​ and upbringing play a crucial role in influencing a protection dog’s aggression levels.

Reproductive and Hormonal Differences

Reproductive and hormonal differences are usually a point of consideration when you’re looking to adopt an intact dog (one that hasn’t been spayed or neutered). This is because the ability to reproduce influences the development of sex-associated behaviors.

Intact male dogs are​ ​more likely to be territorial​ and will have higher aggression levels than neutered males.

That’s not all!

Intact males are also more prone to:

  • roaming
  • have lower obedience levels
  • are likely to be distracted, especially when they sense a nearby female is in heat

Intact females are also more likely to roam and will be less obedient during their heat cycle.

To reduce the chances of your personal protection dog developing these sex-associated behaviors, consider having him or her spayed or neutered.

Obedience Levels

A dog’s obedience levels play an essential role in determining its effectiveness in protecting you. Without the proper training, it’s tough to control your protection dog, whether male or female.

That being said, female protection dogs are more likely to be obedient than male protection dogs. This is because female dogs have better attention spans when compared to males. They also mature faster and have an innate need to please their owner.

Our Advice on What to Look for When Choosing a Protection Dog:

The answer to whether a female protection dog is better than a male protection dog is subjective.

As demonstrated, on some occasions, female protection dogs perform better than males, but male protection dogs may be better than female protection dogs in other scenarios.

This is why the real answer is that gender shouldn’t be a major consideration.

Rather than considering a dog’s gender, consider the dog’s level of training.

Has your protection dog received professional dog training?

With the correct training, your dog’s gender will have very little influence on its protective abilities. A​ ​professionally trained protection dog​ is obedient, has an even temperament, is excellent with kids and other animals, and is adequately aggressive.

Are Belgian Malinois Protective?

(​by StephenWeru​)

You’ve been thinking of getting a personal protection dog.

From your research, you’ve encountered multiple posts arguing that​ ​Belgian Malinois​ are among the best protection dog breeds around.

And for good reason…

These short-haired, fawn-colored canines come with all the natural characteristics of a protection dog. They are athletic, intelligent, always alert, and confident. However, that’s not all it takes to make an excellent protection dog. The ability of a Belgian Malinois to protect you and your family depends on other factors.

This post aims to discuss these factors and debunk the myth that a Belgian Malinois will protect you just because you bought it.

But First, A Short History Lesson

Originally developed in Belgium in the late nineteenth century, the Belgian Malinois is a medium-sized shepherd dog that closely resembles the​ ​German Shepherd​. However, unlike the German Shepherd, the Belgian Malinois is smaller and tends to have a squarer body profile.

Their ancestors were initially bred as herding and guard dogs.

Their reputation as excellent​ ​guard dogs​ resulted in them being the first dogs to be used by the Belgian Police. During the World Wars, the Belgian Malinois was enlisted to military duty where the breed performed various activities, including acting as light gun cart dogs and messenger dogs.

But why did the Belgian Malinois make an excellent military and Police dog? Keep reading to learn more.

The Personality of the Belgian Malinois

The​ ​Belgian Malinois temperament​ is one of the main reasons why most people consider the dog breed an excellent family protection dog.

These dogs are confident in any situation and are always alert. The Belgian Malinois also tends to be affectionate with people it’s familiar with but may act reserved when around strangers. They also get along with children, especially if they were raised together. Thanks to these characteristics, Belgian Malinois create unbreakable bonds with all family members.

The Malinois also comes with a high potential for playfulness. To the Belgian Malinois, every task you ask them to do is considered play. However, these personality traits don’t happen on their own. Factors such as genetics, socialization, and​ ​training​ play a significant role in influencing your Belgian Malinois temperament.

Without proper training, your Belgian Malinois could end up being more of a liability.

Why Training is Important

Very few dogs can defend their home from intruders without training.

Most untrained dogs rely on their survival instinct. When faced with danger, they first act aggressively. If initial barking and aggression don’t work, they flee and only defend themselves as a last resort.

The Belgian Malinois isn’t any different. If untrained, don’t expect it to keep intruders away. However, with professional protection dog training, your Belgian Malinois is capable of protecting you from not one but multiple intruders in any scenario.

Proper​ ​protection dog training​ will include early socialization and exposure to different people, sounds, sounds, and situations. This is because under-socialized Belgian Malinois tend to be aggressive due to either being shy or out of fear. A poorly socialized Malinois is more likely to bite people who may not be a threat.

However, a well-socialized and trained Malinois is excellent with everyone, including children.

Proper training also helps eliminate certain behavioral tendencies that may be ingrained in the Belgian Malinois DNA. An example of such behavior is the Malinois inclination to nibble at children’s feet as if they are trying to herd them.


Despite popular belief, Belgian Malinois aren’t naturally excellent personal protection dogs. They may be aggressive and may have an inclination to protect, but that doesn’t make them excellent protection dogs.

What makes the Belgian Malinois an excellent family protection dog is training.

And not just any training.

Backyard trainers won’t cut it. To ensure your Belgian Malinois is adequately equipped to protect you and your family, go for a professional that comes highly recommended. Professional protection dog training takes a comprehensive approach, where every dog is trained differently depending on the owner’s needs.

Professional protection dog training is done with the owner present, ensuring the dog bonds with all family members. With such training, you can be confident that your Belgian Malinois will adequately protect you and your family from any intruders.

Would an Untrained Dog Protect its Owner?

(by Louis Toffoli

Since the first recorded dog breed, dogs have been used to protect their owners and property. With naturally loyal and protective personalities, many dog breeds were initially bred solely for the purpose of protection. 

You are probably familiar with dog breeds said to be naturally protective, such as German Shepherds, Rottweilers, or Doberman Pinschers. But, are the natural protective instincts of a dog enough to offer the owner adequate protection? 

This article will explore if an untrained dog will protect its owner against intruders or potential threats. 

The Limits of Natural Loyalty and Protection 

As you build a bond with a dog, they will develop loyalty for you. Naturally, the dog will start to view you as the group’s pack leader. This means the dog will begin to link its protective instincts to both you and your home. 

When paired with these natural protective instincts, an untrained dog may be able to offer you protection. If a dog does not recognize someone looking to enter your home, they will be on high alert. The dog may bark or alert you of the presence of an intruder or show aggression to the person.

According to a study by the Animals Society Institute, owning a dog deterred crime compared to having no dog at all. In this study, Milwaukee homeowners with dogs in their homes saw a significant decrease in property crime in their area. 

Additionally, in certain dog breeds, they may also attack an intruder if they sense distress from the situation. But, this isn’t certain as many untrained dogs will not know a situation is dangerous until it’s too late.

Without protection dog training, a dog won’t quickly follow commands or quickly assess a situation. 

When an Untrained Dog Isn’t Enough 

In many cases, an untrained dog will be unable to decipher what is happening in the case of a robbery or break-in. A friendly attitude and energy towards the dog can turn a dangerous intruder into a friend within seconds. 

When the threatening bark doesn’t scare away the criminal, it’s shown your untrained dog might not be as effective as you would like to think. This lack of protection isn’t the dog’s fault, as they don’t have the personal protection training for these complex situations. 

The frantic energy of a mugger commanding someone to give them money can be falsely interpreted as excitement by the dog. When you need the dog to protect you most, they will be looking to play. 

However, an untrained dog’s reactions can differ significantly depending on the dog breed. 

Naturally Protective Dog Breeds 

While an untrained dog will not offer the protection of a protection dog, a dog’s breed may be enough to deter crime. In some cases, a potential criminal will be wary when they see a large dog.

It would be best if you also considered a dog said to be bred for protection. These dog breeds have centuries of breeding to make them prone to guarding and protecting their owners. 

Some examples of naturally protective dogs with large frames are: 

  • Bullmastiff 
  • Rottweiler 
  • Great Dane 
  • Cane Corso 

For a full list of dog breeds with naturally protective instincts, take a look at the list developed by the American Kennel Club. Each dog breed has a description of their rich history dating back to when they were used for protection.


Without proper protection dog training, it is hard to say whether an untrained dog will protect you. In most cases, the dog may offer protection by scaring away criminals with a threatening bark and large stature. 

When a situation escalates past that point, the dog may have trouble interpreting it. The dog will quickly need to understand if the person has bad intentions or is just a friend. To get the most out of your dog, you need professional protection dog training with a qualified master trainer. 

You will not have a doubt in your mind that the dog will protect you when it matters most! 

A Step-By-Step Guide to Buying a Quality Protection Dog

( by Louis Toffoli )

Buying a protection dog is a huge step in ensuring your safety and security. However, you may feel hesitant during the buying process as you want to know for sure that the protection dog will match your needs and offer effective protection. 

A GSTK9 trained Cane Corso

So, to help you make the correct choice, we put together a step-by-step guide on how to buy a quality protection dog. By the end of this article, you will be able to follow the necessary steps to find the perfect match! 

Step 1: Understand Your Needs for a Protection Dog 

When looking for a protection dog, you will first need to think about the reasoning behind why you would like to own one. No protection dog will be the same, with each protection dog going through a customized training program to match the owner’s needs. 

Cane Corso, GSTK9 Pup

The training process of a family protection dog will look drastically different from one for a police dog. The change in the training plan will also make a big difference in the protection dog’s price. The more extensive the training, the higher the price will be for the dog. 

Do you want the dog to be excellent with children? Or would you like a protection dog that is more work-oriented for police work? Take some time to think about your ideal protection dog before moving onto the next step.  

Step 2: Research Protection Dog Training Facilities 

Now that you have gotten an idea of what you need in a protection dog, it’s time to search for the training facility. You should find a training facility specializing in the type of protection dog you are planning to own. 

Max, a GSTK9 trained Cane Corso

These training facilities have a proven track record of getting the exact results from the dog you want. Online customer ratings have also made it incredibly easy to filter out the good from the bad in all industries. 

You can now assess a training facility by seeing the online reviews and understand its reputation from past customers. If you want the best results, it’s always a safe bet to choose a training facility with excellent reviews. 

Along with seeing past reviews, you can compare the pricing of various training facilities and see which one best fits your budget. 

Step 3: Talk to a Master Trainer 

Once you have narrowed down training facilities that specialize in the personal protection dog you need, speak to a few master dog trainers. A master trainer will have the experience to know which dog breed and training style will work best with your personality. 

Xavier on the GSTK9 Farm

If you aren’t sure what questions to ask a prospective trainer, here are a few for inspiration: 

  • What experience do you have training dogs? 
  • Which training certifications or memberships do you have? 
  • Do you offer any guarantees? 
  • What training method or philosophy do you follow? 

With these types of questions, you can start to understand the trainer’s background and make a more educated decision. 

Step 4: Choose a Training Package 

Professional dog training facilities will have training packages that offer different training levels to match the needs of the owner. As the training package’s price rises, the dog will get more extensive training and develop more skills. 

Capone, a GSTK9 trained Doberman

While speaking to the master trainer, you should walk away knowing the price for your desired level of training. Training packages can be modified to fit the needs of the owner and are not set in stone. 

A master trainer should know the necessary time needed to train the dog to proficiency and accurately give you a quote for your training package. Once you have gathered quotes from protection dog trainers for their training packages, it’s time for the final step. 

Step 5: Choose Your Protection Dog Trainer 

We’ve made it to the last step of the process: choosing your trainer!

At this point, you should know what you want from your protection dog, which training facilities specialize in the training program the dog needs, and which training package is right for you. 

One of the main ways to tell if the trainer is right for you is by going with who you thought best understood you. A trainer who knows what you want will deliver your desired results from a protection dog. 

Xavier and Blade on the GSTK9 farm

With your protection dog trainer picked, you are now ready to get your ideal protection dog!